Introducing Compass – Careers Benchmark Tool for schools

Adventures in Career Development


I’m very excited to be able to launch Compass Careers Benchmark Tool.

This is a new self-evaluation tool for schools which has been created by the Careers and Enterprise Company and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. It is designed to help schools to see how their career education and guidance compares to the model of good practice set out in the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Good Career Guidance Benchmarks.

I would really love it if readers of this blog who work within English schools could try out the tool and give us some feedback on how it is working.

If you log onto the Compass tool you’ll be guided to create an account for your school and then to answer a load of questions about your schools careers provision. At the end of this you will be emailed with a confidential report, showing how your school measures up against the Gatsby…

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